This is Shams El Balad
They tasked me with building a design-led research lab to revive retail sales and make Shams a regional leader in food innovation.
increase in retail revenue from the lab’s products
We held seasonal markets to launch new products and test those in development.
We held seasonal markets to launch new products and test those in development.
Analysing retail sales and understanding customer needs.
I analyzed retail data for the last year to better understand why the shop was struggling. There were many products that didn’t fit Shams’s core mission and consignees that were under-performing.
We surveyed and interviewed our customers to better gather how to cater to their needs.
Customer Insights
More than 50% of customers didn’t know about the shop!
Those that did wanted to see more local, unique products they couldn’t find elsewhere.
Restaurant visitors were mainly 27-40 years old but the shop’s were 50+.
Brand uplift
We uplifted the brand to feel younger and more contemporary by adding three new colours and uplifting the logo.
Hundreds of experiments to create the best products.
The Lab worked with the chefs, local suppliers, a food scientist and designers to create unique products, expressive of the local terroir, and that our customers would love.
Thought leadership to cement Shams’s reputation.
We created special events such as markets and flash sales to exhibit and share our work.We also posted our research on the website.